Talen Horton-Tucker seems to enjoy being with the Utah Jazz

Talen Horton-Tucker has reasons for liking his time with the Utah Jazz.

Talen Horton-Tucker is one of three players the Utah Jazz may part ways with this season, or he may be one of the key components to a playoff run. He, Kelly Olynyk, and Jordan Clarkson are in unique situations where either man could be retained for the whole year for a playoff push or traded off for different players or draft capital. Due to their contracts and ages, they’re the three most likely trade chips on the team.

For Horton-Tucker, however, that may not be the best thing in the world. While Salt Lake City has a reputation for being hard to attract free agents, the Utah Jazz franchise is known for developing great talents and usually, keeping guys for a long-time. There’s just something about the franchise that players love.

And Horton-Tucker is no exception, so while he may be subject to much trade speculation, he’s letting everyone know that he loves being part of the team. Speaking to the media (via Sports Illustrated), Horton-Tucker made it clear he likes his situation with the Jazz, saying;

I love it here, honestly. Just being able to—you guys are great, honestly. I got an opportunity here. I’m appreciative of that. I don’t know anybody who wouldn’t love it.

Horton-Tucker did later go on to talk about how he intends on improving in the summer,

I really just want kind of to keep my development process on the right path.  So I feel it’s like just continue to work throughout the summer. [I’ll] probably take a few vacations later in the summer before we go back. I just want to continue to get better. Just seeing myself and seeing what I was able to accomplish the last half of the season, I feel like it was just scratching the surface.

And improve he’s going to have to. Horton-Tucker is an expiring contract of over $11 million, combine that with his age (23 to start the season), and the fact that the Jazz have another hefty expiring contract in Kelly Olynyk, and an aging shooting guard with the most trade value he’s ever had in Jordan Clarkson, and a trade involving some or all three of those men could end up happening.

With Horton-Tucker, not only is his contract a deciding factor in his long-term stay with the Jazz, but his efficiency is as well. He’s not a consistent scorer, despite his hefty amount of shots, but what he lacks in scoring prowess, he makes up for in defensive aggression.

Horton-Tucker has a chance to establish himself with the team as the Jazz’s new point guard, but he’s got to show he can be more efficient on offense, otherwise, by trade or free agency, Horton-Tucker won’t be in Utah past the season.