Report: Utah Jazz aiming to keep Derrick Favors

Derrick Favors recently made it clear that he would like to stay with the Utah Jazz. All indications thus far are that the feeling is mutual.

If you follow the Utah Jazz even remotely, you likely know that one of the biggest question marks facing the team this offseason is the free agency of Derrick Favors. If you’ve likewise kept up with, you’ve also seen us cover some of those questions in detail.

Can the Jazz afford to bring Favors back? Do they like his fit enough on the team to bring him back? Do the Jazz have enough to offer, not just in money but in opportunity, for Favors to want to come back? And how will other free agency or trade decisions affect the longest tenured Jazzman?

For a deeper dive into these questions, be sure to check out the pair of pieces focused on Favors below:

One thing we do know for certain, though, is that Derrick Favors has made his interest in staying with the Jazz clear. He left little doubt when he said succinctly, “I want to be here.”

That’s only half the puzzle, though. While the Jazz no doubt are grateful for all that Favors has done for the team and appreciate his work ethic and what he brings to the game, some have wondered if the Jazz would perhaps aim to replace him with a more versatile stretch-four or add other free agents that would result in Utah not having sufficient money to retain him.

Depending on what opportunities arise, what offers from other teams come Derrick’s way and what Utah is ultimately willing to offer him, it’s entirely believable that the Jazz could look to move on from the Georgia Tech product.

While there may be an argument behind that, though, it appears that such isn’t the case. All indications are that not only does Derrick Favors want to stay, but the Utah Jazz want to keep him around as well.

The Salt Lake Tribune’s Tony Jones made as much clear in a recent response to a fan regarding pursuing certain free agents on Twitter —

The fact that the response mentioned Marcus Smart specifically is irrelevant. The important part to be gleaned from this is that rather than go after potentially pricey free agents, it appears that not only is Dante Exum a priority (as we all pretty much knew), but holding on to Derrick Favors is also very much in the plans.

This shouldn’t exactly come as a surprise based on how well Favors has conducted himself with the Jazz and how much of a contributor he was throughout the season. However, considering that for the past two trade deadlines, Favors has been the subject of several rumors, and that there were previous reports that he didn’t intend to re-sign with the Jazz, it’s actually pretty incredible how things have shifted.

Mere months ago it looked as if Favors was in his final days as a Jazzman. Now between a pair of reports, one from Favors himself and one from the highly reputable Tony Jones regarding team interest, it seems that the relationship between the two parties may continue.

It’s certainly possible that as the season wore on and Favors grew more comfortable with his teammates while seeing just how potentially special the team could be, he became open to the idea of staying put. It’s also feasible that not only do the Jazz love Favors, but they realize they’d be hard-pressed to find a suitable and realistic replacement for him that fits quite as well as he does in terms of attitude and skill set.

There’s still a lot that could happen between now and when free agency is wrapped up that could change the outlook of Favors staying put with the Utah Jazz. But at least for now, it appears very clear that there is a mutual interest, meaning that the chances of Derrick being retained seem higher than ever.

Since many figured he wouldn’t be on the team past February, this has all become an interesting development. And considering how well-loved Favors is among the Utah Jazz faithful, it’s an exciting one as well.